Your Safety, Our Priority

Comprehensive Fire Risk Assessment  Consultancy

Become Compliant
Under The Fire (Scotland) Act 2005, it is the dutyholder's legal responsibility to have a current Fire Risk Assessment (FRA) conducted by a competent person.

Our team are trained to conduct bespoke fire risk assesments to secure you and your premises.

Fire Risk Assessment

Our fire risk assessment service helps you identify potential risks within your premises and discover shortfalls in compliance with fire safety regulations.

About Us
At Flame Veil we specialize in providing expert consulation through fire risk assessments. 

Our goal is to provide your business with practical fire safety recomendations, keeping your premises and personell safe while asssisting you in adhearance to laws and legislation. 

Flame Veil Fire Safety LTD was founded by Callum O'Brien.
Prior to the business Callum had a career as a firefighter in the armed forces where he developed a strong understanding of the damage fire can cause and how to prevent it.

After further studying fire safety and it's legislation Callum acheived additional qualifications through multiple awarding bodies and became a member and technician at two of the country's leading fire safety institutes. 

Flame Veil Fire Safety is a registered LTD company with experience conducting fire risk assessments on a broad variety of buildings. With our experience we are confident ​we can provide you with the services you require.

Company Number: SC813348
Director: Callum O'Brien MIFSM TMIFPO 
Secure Your Business
We provide certified fire risk assesors offering practical solutions to the risks facing your business. All our assesors are accredited members of the IFSM and have Technician status within the IFPO.
  • 272 Bath Street, Glasgow, UK

Contact us for a free fire risk assessment quote.
